Blog Overview
Here are some basics on what this blog will feature both on a regular basis and special.
Book Reviews
The most common blog post you'll see is the book review. This will be about a book I read whether recently or growing up. Most of the time this will be a fantasy book, though occasionally a science fiction may worm its way into receiving a post.
Closely related to Book Reviews, this will be another common blog. Whether focusing on a specific book that tells the tale or exploring the history of the tale, will depend on how popular the tale may be. If I am looking at the history of the tale or comparing various retellings, this may or may not include films.
Meet the ???
These posts will zero in on a character, a group, the world, or an element that I have created in my stories. I may introduce my world by giving bits of history and some idea of weather and terrain. I might introduce characters ranging from major to minor and share tidbits not in my finished story.
My Stories
Blogs such as this will tell where I am in writing my own tales of fantasy. It may or may not include my thoughts on why I'm writing this story, excerpts from what I've written, or giving little trivia bits as to what I have in mind behind the scenes that might not get into the final product.
These blogs will most likely posted on an anniversary basis: author's birthday, day author's most famous book was released, etc. More often than not, these will be older authors and I will include within the article several titles written by the featured author.
Fanfiction Spotlight
This may be among the less common posts, but the idea is featuring fanfiction that I believe is very well written and maybe even has a slightly different spin on how things happened. If done, more likely than not, I may try to include information on the author, pertaining to why they write and what inspired them.