Hey, here’s my first Meet the ??? post. This is a meet the island introduction. I think that this may have been the first location that I actually took the time to figure out a name for a place I created. But first, I’m going to tell you what is special about this island.
This island is where all the fairytales we know of happened. Okay, well, there may be a few exceptions, but all our fairytales are basically their history. Here are some examples: Snow White, Rapunzel, The Princess and the Pea, and Cinderella. Now, of course, there are some differences between their true history and our fairytales, but this is where they received their basis.
The island (Milagro) is rather European in style with beautiful castles and rustic villages. While most inhabitants are native Milagroians, there are the occasional immigrants collectively known as Outsiders. (While most use the term in a general respectful tone, some do use it as an insult.) In addition to human residents, there are also human-sized fairies, thumb-high pixies, and ocean-dwelling Seal People. Pixies tend to keep to themselves, simply because of their small size. Fairies are an unusual group, having their own civilization and government separate from the rest of Milagro and yet voluntarily living among humans, sometimes even marrying. Seal People have their own mystery. For all practical purposes, their city under the sea is a separate province or country from Milagro, however they still recognize the island’s high king as their own.
Aside from human or human-like residents, there are also a handful of animal species that possess the powers of human intelligence and speech. These are dragons, unicorns, and the odd pegasus. Dragons tend to be solitary creatures unless they bond with a human, however due to their large size, it is usually only royals, knights, and other nobility that are able to count a dragon as a part of their household. Unicorns enjoy the quiet peace of the forest in comparison to the bustling cities and villages. Female unicorns tend to travel in herds and are the most likely to be spotted, while the male unicorns prefer to remain in solitude and protect their domains. Pegasuses tend to be considered legends so that it is taken as a sign of good luck if you are to spot one.
Considering the fact that the island is fairly good sized, the government is fashioned to accommodate this. The country is divided into sub-kingdoms and each sub-kingdom has its own royal family. Under this royal family could be appointed other ruling nobility or mayors and governors. Each town handles its own issues, but if the problem is too large, it goes to the Royals of the sub-kingdom. However there is occasionally a problem that is too big even for the Royals, that is when the issue is brought before the High Royals. The High Royals are the official sovereigns of the entire island and personally see to the well-being of the inland and ocean-side capitals.
To understand the founding of the island, I should first tell you where the island is located: our world, a little southwest of England. (We had to gain the knowledge of those stories somehow.) Sometime after the Biblical Great Flood but before the confusing of the languages at the Tower of Babel, two men named Elam and Enoch along with their families discovered the island. From these two families, the entirety of the island was populated. Thanks to an alliance with the fairies, they were able to have a link to the Outside World. (I would love to give you a quick history lesson on the island, but I’ll just have to write a part 2.)
Okay, I’ll leave you with this for now, but I will post Part 2 shortly. Included will be a simplified version of Milagro’s history and some of my musings about it.
Hope you enjoyed. Bye.